California Hamster Association
Show Sales Form
                                                                                                                 Sales Pen Number______________

Species (circle one) :   Campbells     Winter White     Roborovski      Syrian   

Sex: ________    Date of Birth:_______________ Color/Marking/Coat: ______________________________

Sellers Name _____________________________________________________    Price   $_______________


Phone ________________________________________ Email _____________________________________

Comments _______________________________________________________________________________

Food the hamster is currently eating ___________________________________________________________

Seller guarantees that this animal meets all CHA sales requirements including (initial each):

1. Hamster belongs to the seller     _____
2. Seller is a paid and current CHA Member     _____
3. Hamster is a minimum of 4 weeks old for Dwarves and 5 weeks old for Syrians     _____
4. Hamster has been in the sellers care for a minimum of two weeks     _____
5. Hamster has not been exposed to any new hamsters during the two-week period prior to this show     _____
6. Hamster has not shown any symptoms of illness, disease, or parasites for a minimum of two weeks     _____
7. If a pup, Hamster was separated from opposite sex littermates by 4 weeks of age     _____
8. If an adult, Hamster has not been exposed to a hamster of opposite sex for a minimum of 21 days      _____

Seller guarantees that this animal meets all CHA sales requirements and agrees to be responsible for its sale. CHA is not responsible for bounced checks, seller/buyer disagreements or health, temperament, longevity, or other past/present/future problems with animals changing hands at CHA shows.

Sellers Signature ________________________________________________   Date _____________________
Purchasers Guarantee
Sellers Receipt
                                                                                                                        Sales Pen Number______________

Species (circle one) :   Campbells     Winter White      Roborovski      Syrian   

Sex: ________    Date of Birth:_______________ Color/Marking/Coat: ______________________________

Sellers Name ________________________________________    Purchase Price ___________Ck. # _______

Buyers Name _____________________________________________________________________________   


Phone ________________________________________ Email _____________________________________

Buyer understands that this sale is between buyer and seller and that CHA is not responsible for bounced checks, seller/buyer disagreements or health, temperament, longevity, or other past/present/future problems with animals changing hands at CHA shows.

Buyers  Signature _______________________________________________   Date _____________________
CHA Receipt
Sellers Name (print)__________________________________________   Sales Pen Number______________

$________ Received from CHA.   Sellers Signature ______________________________Date ____________
If you want to receive a copy of this form in Word, please e-mail us at
Otherwise, we will have these forms available at the shows.