CHA Show Entry Form
Please read the instructions before completing this form.

For each animal entered, you need to provide the following nine pieces of information.

1) Species and Gender
2) Hamster's Name or Number
3) Color and Pattern
4) Section
5) Coat
6) Fun Classes
7) Standards Class
8) Pup Class
9) Sales Animal

Your Name____________________________

Youth Exhibitor (age)____      Adult Exhibitor___

CHA Member (yes/no)______   Would you like to join today?     $10   ___

Standards Entries  _____X (Member$1/Non-Member $2) = $___

Pet Entries ____ X (Member $2.50/Non-Member $4) = $_____

Show Pen Rentals
Dwarf _____ X $1 = $____    Syrian _____ X $1 = $____

Ball Rentals
Dwarf ____ X $.50 = $_____     Syrian ____ X $.50 = $_____

Late Entries/Day of Show Entries – Number of hamsters entered _ X $1 = $__

Total Entry Fee $___________________
Please make all checks payable to Linda Price

Please be aware that while we take reasonable and prudent measures to safeguard
the health of the animals entered, you are entering at your own risk. In making
this entry you release CHA and all persons connected with the show and grounds
from any liability or damages to your person, animals, or property.
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Entry Instructions